Saturday, 15 September 2007

My Windows Vista Machine cannot access my NAS Shares

After falling over in the house, and pushing my crutches through the screen of my laptop, I’ve replaced it with another one - this is running Vista.

The very first problem I encountered was that I couldn’t see any of the network shares that I used to see on my old XP machine. After a lot of searching, it seems that Microsoft have beefed up the network file sharing security, and made Vista incompatible with old file sharing system security features by default.

There is a registry hack to re-enable this old mode (Using regedit to set the LMcompatibilityLevel to 1).

I have since found that my PC is very slow copying files on the network - to copy 400 files, totalling just 1Mb from a zipfile onto a network drive took 50 (yes Five Zero) minutes.

The real solution is to upgrade the server software at the other end to be compatible. I’m running samba on a Freecom Network Storage Box (FSG3), and upgrading to the latest firmware, which includes samba version 3, has allowed these shares to be seen again.

This may not be the end - at the moment, the machine seems to be running OK.

There is a hotfix available from Microsoft (Knowledge Base Article 931770 - The copy process may stop responding when you try to copy files from a server on a network to a Windows Vista-based computer), but I’ve not applied it at the moment….

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