Panasonic Viera TX50CX
begin remotename panasonic
bits 24
eps 30
aeps 100
header 3455 1736
one 433 1305
zero 433 436
ptrail 433
pre_data_bits 24
pre_data 0x400401
gap 74568
toggle_bit_mask 0x0
frequency 38000
begin codes
EXT_ON 0x007C7D
EXT_AV1 0x008081
EXT_AV2 0x004041
EXT_HDMI1 0x200D2C
EXT_HDMI3 0x204D6C
EXT_DVB 0x401E5F
EXT_MEDIA 0x90D544
end codes
end remote
Denon RC-DM41DAB
begin remote
name RC1214
bits 24
eps 30
aeps 100
header 3479 1712
one 420 1261
zero 420 425
ptrail 420
pre_data_bits 24
pre_data 0x2A4C0A
gap 50587
toggle_bit_mask 0x0
frequency 38000
begin codes
EXT_ON 0x880280
EXT_OFF 0x84028C
EXT_DAB 0x65026D
EXT_FM 0x690261
EXT_AM 0x610269
EXT_PAUSE 0x890281
EXT_DISC 0x89C241
end codes
end remote
Format of the Commands
The commands are in the format:16 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits 8 Bits
| Manufacturer Code | Device | Function Code | Check sum |
lsb lsb lsb lsb
The Checksum is a simple Xor of the Device and Function Code Bytes
The msb/lsb are the opposite way around to 'normal' so the codes must be modified (flipped) for the lirc configuration files.
Panasonic Viera Worked Example
The Device code for Panasonic is an 8-bit number.The Function Code is made up of an 8-bit sub device and an 8-bit original button code
16 Bits 8 Bits 8 Bits 8 Bits 8 Bits
| Manufacturer Code | Device | Sub Dev | OBC | Check sum |
The Manufacturer code for the panasonic TV is 144, and the device ID is 128
0x2002 -> 0010 0000 0000 0010
0100 0000 0000 0100 -> 0x4004
0x80 -> 1000 0000
0000 0001 -> 0x01
So the Pre-Data in the lirc configuration file is 0x400401
The 'Extended On' command command for device 128 is subdevice 0, OBC 62
0000 0000 -> 0x00
62(dec) <-->
0111 1100 -> 0x7C
So the Function Code for this command ix 0x007C
So the Function Code for this command ix 0x007C
The Checksum is 0x01 xor 0x00 xor 0x7C -> 0x7D
So the code for 'Extended On' in the lirc configuration file is 0x007C7D
The Function Code in Denon Terminology is made of a 4-bit Genre 2 and a 12-bit Data code
16 Bits 4 Bits 4 Bits 12 Bits 8 Bits
| Manufacturer Code | 0000 | Genre1 | Genre2 | Data | Check sum |
The Manufacturer Code for the RC1214 remote is: 0x3254, and all commands have a Genre1 of 5, but the numbers are stored lsb first, so they need flipping around:
0x3254 -> 0011 0010 0101 0100
0010 1010 0100 1100 -> 0x2A4C
0x5 -> 0101
1010 -> 0xA
So the Pre-Data in the lirc configuration file is 0x2A4C0A
The Genre2 code and data codes for the Extended 'On' command are 0x01 and 0x401 respectively, but need msb/lsb flipping:
0x1 -> 0001
1000 -> 0x8
0x401-> 0100 0000 0001
1000 0000 0010 -> 0x802
So the Function Code for this command is 0x8802
The Checksum is 0x0A xor 0x88 xor 0x02 -> 0x80
So the code for 'Extended On' in the lirc configuration file is 0x880280
So the code for 'Extended On' in the lirc configuration file is 0x007C7D
Denon RC1214 Worked Example
The Device Code in Denon Terminology is made of a nybble of zeroes, and a 4-bit Genre 1The Function Code in Denon Terminology is made of a 4-bit Genre 2 and a 12-bit Data code
16 Bits 4 Bits 4 Bits 12 Bits 8 Bits
| Manufacturer Code | 0000 | Genre1 | Genre2 | Data | Check sum |
The Manufacturer Code for the RC1214 remote is: 0x3254, and all commands have a Genre1 of 5, but the numbers are stored lsb first, so they need flipping around:
0x3254 -> 0011 0010 0101 0100
0010 1010 0100 1100 -> 0x2A4C
0x5 -> 0101
1010 -> 0xA
So the Pre-Data in the lirc configuration file is 0x2A4C0A
The Genre2 code and data codes for the Extended 'On' command are 0x01 and 0x401 respectively, but need msb/lsb flipping:
0x1 -> 0001
1000 -> 0x8
0x401-> 0100 0000 0001
1000 0000 0010 -> 0x802
So the Function Code for this command is 0x8802
The Checksum is 0x0A xor 0x88 xor 0x02 -> 0x80
So the code for 'Extended On' in the lirc configuration file is 0x880280